Sharing Information
As your child’s therapist I adhere to current legislation to protect your/their Personal Information. Due to the confidential nature of the therapeutic service I provide, sharing any information given is kept to an absolute minimum. Circumstances where sharing might / will be necessary are as follows:
· During professional clinical supervision.
· As part of a safeguarding concern / child protection issue
· As part of a legal duty
Storage of Information
All their Personal Information will be stored in a locked filing cabinet. I am the only person who will have access to this information.
All their Personal Information will be retained within a locked filing cabinet for a period of seven years after closure of the counselling contract/after they reach 18 years, whichever comes later. After this time period their information will be destroyed safely and securely.
Electronic Records
Any electronic records and information such as emails will be kept securely for a period of seven years after closure of our counselling contract after which all your electronic information will be deleted.
Text Messages
Your/their contact details will be added into my mobile phone (with anonymised ID code) for the duration of your counselling sessions and will be deleted 3 months after the contact has been closed. All text messages that you send directly to my mobile number will be deleted from my mobile device within 3 months.
Client’s Rights
The Personal Information I retain about your child under GDPR needs to be accurate and kept up to date. Should any of your/their information be incorrect or require amending please notify me as soon as possible and I will amend and update your/their information accordingly. You have the right at any time to revoke your consent and for their information to be erased/destroyed at any time. I am duty bound to ensure I abide by your request unless there is any other residing legislation preventing me from doing so at the time.
Subject Access Request
You/they have the right to access and request copies of any Personal Information that I currently retain about them. Should you require a copy of this information you can request this verbally or in writing to me and I will respond within 30 days of your request.
Breach of Confidentiality
I am registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office as a data controller (reference ZA795501). If you have any concerns about how I am handling your data please contact the ICO quoting this reference for further advice on how to query or complain.
In the unlikely event of a data breach, I have a duty to inform you and the Information Commissioner’s Office within 72 hours of it occurring.
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